The DDoS parasite is an infected computer that will slowly attack your website to download and abuse all your available bandwidth.

DDoS parasites typically do not bring down their host, are generally much smaller in size, and will often slowly attack their host for an extended period of time without being noticed.

A parasite leeching all the vital bandwidth from a man
A parasite leeching all the vital bandwidth from a man

It’s really a small DDoS

The number of connections are between 100 to 500 and we can see the results of this Free DDoS test of 1 minute.

Graph showing parasite DDoS attacking at 300 connections

It’s so small that you would not notice it

The response time of your website from an external user’s perspective while under attack looks perfectly normal.

Monitoring graph showing normal conditions

Why bother if we don’t notice it?

The DDoS parasite will connect to your server, start downloading in loop a webpage and force your server to upload bandwidth. In this Free DDoS test your server could potentially upload 195 Tbytes of bandwidth in a month.

Monitoring graph showing a steady flows of 600 Mbps

How much 195 Tbytes would cost your business?

The cloud providers sell to your business the bandwidth that your server uploads. The price vary between $0.02 to $0.12 per Gbytes. 195 Tbytes would cost your business more than $12K when hosted with a cloud provider like AWS, Google, Azure, Rackspace, Softlayer.

Graph showing price estimation >$12k showing the real cost of parasite DDoS attack

Are you vulnerable?

If your service is hosted with one of those cloud providers, it’s important to know whether your business is vulnerable to the Parasite DDoS attack. Run a Free DDoS test now to know whether you are vulnerable and we will send you a DDoS report including solutions to increase your business protection against DDoS attacks.

Free DDoS test

Parasite DDoS Attack